But something better happen to really good. Like my sister who happened to be Marika Graziani and take a walk around here. Heck yes. It was the most intense three days ever. And I did not speak so much from 11 August. Imagine in Italian.
It was really cool. We ate Thai, watching The Birds by Hitchcock (and yes, I cried and I was afraid, ok?), visited my school (I like to call it my school although I did not know even existed until eight months ago), visited the classic American Mall (with Macy's related), tried my dress for the Prom in the department of the princesses of Disney's Store, struggled for a vantage point in a game of bowling (I won, obviously), a dip in the ocean (not a dive complete, despite the desire was so much ), admiring the cloud that covered the Golden Gate Bridge (when you say that in California the weather is always nice), had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (with refills and related Emili daggers), and so on and so forth. In conclusion
were three days (or four, I forget), particularly intense, and not so stumped for a long time (which I did pretty well, I suppose). Now I have yet to recover fully (ergo being able to sleep for eight hours at least one night).
Apart from these family events, life goes on in part the same as it always is. I feel like I never have time (damn Facebook and Twitter) and I consider this by pulling the second kidney, but otherwise all the same. Today we started the qualifiers for dodgeball and I must say that my team is not particularly disgusting, but does not surprise me if we lose the first round. But Soft Kitty "reigns in this house, where The Big Bang Theory you drugs. That's nice. That's good to be the cause of so much ruin and destruction. Heck yes.
I just noticed that in every post I write I have a common phrase, repeated several times. Bah. Maybe because my Italian as sclera, sclera also English.
That's it. I'll try to be more frequent in post something, so you need not rack your brains for everything that I wanted to write to remember. Meanwhile, I tell you that for the next post I might have a surprise sensation. Or the one after next. Or for more. It depends on when I can catch up on sleep and work lost. And I apologize to all those who have not responded to the mail (I really do not even remember if there is someone, but better safe than sorry): Facebook sucks me mentally and physically, but I always forget to update it or to respond to private messages. Sorry. Do not even use the chat, because until now I thought, not even I remembered that Facebook had a chat. Let's say I just need people to Stalker, nothing more nothing less.
And now I'm wandering between thoughts that certainly will not lead to the conclusion of this post. So goodbye. And if you want to write, write. But, please, keep me on your life, that I know enough of.