CHEMISTRY AS TOLD BY BLOGGER The year 2011 will be for the UN 's
Year International Chemistry and even with this excuse you launch the initiative among the popularizers of science bloggers to get together, 23 of each month to promote chemistry and related sciences in an original and fun.
TORINO, 1 December 2010. During the year the UN declared 2011 International Year of Chemistry "Chemistry Blogs ( ) and Zero Gravity ( ) launched the Carnival of Chemistry inspired by the Anglo-Saxon model of the Carnival of Science, created to promote understanding of the chemical by contacting the general public.
HOW TO TAKE PART IN THE CARNIVAL? To participate in the Carnival of Chemistry is sufficient to disclose on his blog before the 16th of the month, a popular text on a subject that has to do with chemistry.
same should be sent to the editorial of the website host ( an email containing a link to the text published, your name or a nickname, a word about whether their own initiative and popular science.
In cases of particular interest in the texts marked by the same bloggers will be more than one. About
while managing a web site does not have a blog, it can also upload their own text on a normal page of his site, distinct from others, in sending this mail link to the page in question.
exception will be assessed the ability to send their contribution via text e-mail directly to the drafting of the host site, the load inside the signal as a function of the external contribution.
E 'encouraged the use of multimedia content such as pictures, graphs, videos, animations, and each device and aid to improve the readability of content and its accessibility by the general non-specialist public.
general chemistry, inorganic, organic, biochemistry, chemical physics, analytical, theoretical, computational, synthetic ... but also more specialized areas and applications of this discipline: chemistry of materials, food, pharmaceutical, geochemistry, bio-chemical, petrochemical , phytochemical, toxicological ... not to mention the industry, research and teaching of chemistry.
On the 30th of every month, the blog host will publish a comprehensive document in the form of hypertext will be presented where all participants who have joined the initiative, along with a brief introduction to their work of science with the goal of making awareness and appreciation of chemistry in all its aspects and to increase the visibility of the blog authors participating. In particular, will be linked and briefly describes the scientific and popular individual contributions, collected in a harmonized document as much as possible should be a common thread among the various topics.
In the months that followed, in turn, other bloggers and authors may propose to host the carnival on their pages.
RULES TO PARTICIPATE Blogs Participants must follow the basic rules of conduct that protect the mutual respect, fair and responsible dissemination of science and do not adversely affect the rights of any of the parties involved, including the public image of the discipline treated and its operators.
E 'possible to talk about topics in science, technology, history, literature, art, application, teaching content as they have chemistry in all its branches and segments of the chemical issues related themes different, and finally the relationship between chemistry and other scientific disciplines and not.
are recommended a level of discussion, analysis and formalism that enables the reading of assistance to non-experts in the specific area.
It 'also possible to consider the links between chemistry and cultural traditions, medical, philosophical and theological, in a scientific and philological analysis, however, correct and impartial, free from ideological or programmatic, following the methods and the practice of analysis and cultural anthropology.
Depending on the purpose of the initiative, which is designed not so much to "do science "because it generally available, it is not possible or support the new theories of chemistry and science in general that they have at least passed a peer review process on an international scientific journal.
In these cases, the publication must be attested by an appropriate bibliography. Similarly
have discouraged the controversy to draw on the sterile denigration of chemistry and its applications, in the name of ideological positions referred.
can not be named or described, even in terms of examples, both positive and negative sense, companies, brands and commercial products.
The scientific curator of the blog host and The participants of the exercise control over the content received interventions to prevent them being published contrary to that regulation.
For questions regarding documentation or the carnivals and scientific organization of the event: For concerns or questions about the types of contributions and for those not available a blog after publishing their work: Download Press Release .