Stories and asses
Want to follow the intriguing adventures of Orestes and Hydrangea or three of those Bears? And the doves do not sit your children? Provided that the puppets do not exceed eleven pounds (would cost about eight to ten months old). Pampers that has seen fit to add value to its already celebrated diapers, it was necessary to write on the stories. Yet the change of
PANOLIN is by no means a transaction in which you want to linger. Open the envelope saint you are often hit by a nauseating stench, accompanied by the appearance of gianduiotti of manure or the classical "wound" that has spilled over on, and onto the shoulders of the baby. Mica is no time for literature.
Yet Mr. Pampers phoned a few young author and placed him under contract for a racolta of short stories. The publication and distribution are guaranteed: asses of tens of thousands of children. In fact it's much more than what a publisher these days, we promise.
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