disintegrate. Skinned alive and hung my skin next to the French art in your living room. I deserve everything you want me.
been almost two months by a serious upgrade, and here people start to worry, I know. So now Frank wrote this post so beautiful and detailed, so people stop worrying and is happy. And not skinned alive.
Well, the holiday season has passed (fortunately or unfortunately, still do not know), and life is back to normal. If one can speak of normality, because in actually the "after-holiday" has been quite dramatic.
1. La Befana does not exist. Or rather, there is the Epiphany for ordinary Christians, but nothing Epiphany. That's right, no socks, charcoal, chocolate, and above all ... school on January 3. Yes, school Jan. 3. What a heartache.
2. La Befana does not exist.
3. La Befana does not exist. (This thing has left a deep mark in me, though my dear American mother has turned into my personal Epiphany for a while '.)

Apart from the fact that the witch does not exist, everything else was quite normal. There will be pleased to know that here there are 20 degrees in January, short-sleeved shirts and do not pass never out of fashion. It happened to me last Friday something really strange happened to the finals (see next paragraphs), all happy because it ended the first half, all shouting in the corridors, all dressed in summer, and I thought it was the ' last day of school. It was terrible this morning, realize that not only I miss another period but, unlike all the other seniors here at school, I miss even one more year. Long live the sadness.
Two weeks ago we went to Yosemite, a place "up there on the mountain with the snow so high." Yes, there was even snow. Super-yay. It was very cool and fun. Yay, yay 2, 3 yay.
Last weekend, Instead, there was the mid-year orientation for AFS: Needless to say, was intensely depressing and funny at the same time. Practically everyone wants to go home, there are those who have no friends, who has problems with his family, who hates America (WTF?). And I was (as usual) the poor outcast weirdo-depressed-that here we are from God and there would never again return to Italy.
The fun part of camp was when I received my badge stupendous with the two flags (American and Italian) who pose as a gift to St. George because they are five months that we are here and, even if not officially, we have received U.S. citizenship (a bit 'as Alcoholics Anonymous and their staples of the series "I'm sober for five minutes").
Anyway, as I stated in the previous paragraph, last week was the week of finals. Basically the tasks and questions monthly Italians all concentrated in three days. Actually I did only two finals serious PreCalc and Government, and Cooking (if you count it as final seriously). The problem is that the last time I studied for three days in a row was in June last year for my last question of philosophy: just eight months.
You can imagine the effect it made me sad and I was up realizing that I was completely unaccustomed to serious study and that in fact I love to do one test whose answers are obvious, thanks to my super-mega-galactic intelligence (bragging time). Yay.
to spend the rest of normal life. Today it's raining on that of Fremont, there are 12 degrees (almost makes cold!), And notwithstanding the next should be a "stress-free week", I already have homework to do. Yay 5.
Yes, I too yay. But what can you do, I'm a yay-person. Well, I hope to update you as soon as possible, but for now I greet you warmly.
Yes, warmly. Yay.
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