We lost. Probably because I did not give the best of my ability to be cheerleader. Or just because we lost. However, it was cool. I felt a bit 'American. You know, hot dog in one hand, Pepsi in the other, guys in uniform those who try to hit a ball with a bat ... That's America. And I'm lovin 'it.
Here's my list three things that are worth being here:
4. The personalized license plates and the word "California" on all of them, which makes everything look a bit 'more real.
5. The people who risk their lives to catch a foul ball.
6. The absence of Smart. And, dare I say, the absence of Hello Kitty. Ergo, the lack of Smart Hello Kitty.
" What's a ball game to make us feel like this?"
("Underworld: Prologue" - Don Delillo)
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