Sunday, September 26, 2010

Play Age Of Empire 3 Without Inserting Cd

Un Aggiornamento Gratuito.

Good. It 's time to update this blog that more can not be sloppy. Although I have a crazy sleep (due to the terrible amount of calories and saturated fat consumed during the day) and the challenge against the Physics is still open (30-17, not bad), I'll write a little 'just because they are too magnanimous and want to share with you, poor mortals trapped in the monotonous Italian routine, my super-fantastic and so cool life in California.
begin by saying that Pat and Melissa have gone two weeks ago for their long-awaited vacation in Italy, so for the past 15 days that I did not of American parents (45 days, well I do not have Italian parents, yes, I feel a some 'orphan). Jenny's friend Melissa, you're taking care of us children refugees and provides us with food and lots of love. And above all, the baseball. Last Sunday was the turn of the San Francisco Giants who played against a team from the unpronounceable name that was really disgusting. Yes, we won. And I think I finally understood the whole " baseball thing." Yes, even the rules. And no, if you ask me what, I can not answer. But inside of me, I have acquired. I swear. At least now I understand why people rejoice or scream "Oh Nooo!". So it's a big step forward. Today we were the last game of the season the A's . Playing against the Texas Rangers . A team too strong. Yes, we lost. E 'was depressing.
Unfortunately, the school continues. And after my stunning performance in PreCalc , I'm finding my only weakness in Physics. Yes, Physics, I'm talking to you. Yes, Physics, I hate you. And Tuesday we have the first test. If you do not step, I decided that " always drop the" class. And maybe I Ceramics. Or, sign language, which can always be helpful.
The rest all ok. We are reading 1984. And yes, it's boring. But it's worth listening to the teacher of English who blasphemes against the boy, silently naming the "word with the two Z" and then turning to you to humbly ask forgiveness. And above all it's worth the boy's face when I asked "What did she say ?". " It's better if you do not know, darling ."
I'm becoming a master chef. And to prove it is our super-mega-victory of the Bake-Off Cookies , last week. Our cream cheese cookies were the best of the best. Yum! And it is worth being in the class of the kitchen when they are preparing the "sauce" for spaghetti (or shove a jar of ketchup in the microwave) and then turn to you and say, "Your mother does sauce with fresh tomatoes , true? ". And it is worth answering "Yes , gets up at six in the morning to pick tomatoes giustappunto more mature in the garden near our house and then, with much love, dedicated to the preparation of the last ."
I am officially in Journalism. Mr. P. I have made public Thursday. On Friday we did a sort of joke, we tizietti new to know each other better and as soon as it's my turn, games are stupid questions, like " But there are the Chinese you?" "But you the streets?", " But your machines are all Smart?". And we breathe usually Italian. When it happens, though. Not always.
I did the auditions for "A Christmas Carol . Now, here, theater is a very big deal . That's why we spent four days of auditions, plus one for Call Backs. And tomorrow I have to stay in school till 7 for other Call Backs. I was Called back for Ghost of Christmas Past and Present, and Mrs. Something , a drunk chick that has a kind of celebration. We'll see how it goes. Meanwhile, I make all the compliments for my Italian accent. Friday a guy makes me " I love your accent! What is it?" And I " Italian." He said, "You're so cute ." Cute. I. Cute. I are not at all cute. And above all I hate my Italian accent . Ugh.
I'm wondering what else will be interested to know of my current existence. But I do not have anything funny.
Oh. Yes Last night I dreamed for the first time in English . In Inglese well. Not half and half Italian Inglese. Only Inglese. I think my parents were Italians to visit or things like that, I do not remember. But I remember it was in English because I woke up soon after and I shouted "I just Dreamt in Inglese! "and then I immediately back to sleep because I was too tired to remember to put the subject of dreams. But I dreamed in English. Unless you have dreamed that I dreamed in English. So that's another story. Although mean however that I have dreamed a dream about dreaming in English in English. Ok, sorry. It must have been exhilarating, not lead to the sclera.
I hope your life goes on a roll. Give my regards to Italy. And when I say "give my Italy "I mean" out on the balcony of your humble abode and shouted 'Hello!' . By Francesca. If you want to specify it. Otherwise, a generic greeting is enough. And please, if you do not come to know. In one way or another. Yes, there is the mafia in Italy. This I did not asked anybody yet.

7. When they ask you to say " Pizza" and then try to repeat it but without success.
8. The look in love turn to the flag while singing the National Anthem .
9. Radio stations that send only " Uprising" Muse, " Dani California" by Red Hot Chili Peppers, " Lazy Eyes" by Silversun Pickups, " Lisztomania " of Phoenix and "Teenage Dream " Katy Perry. It is enough.


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