Government is ok. The teacher makes me idiotic questions (from my perspective) like "But you the President?". And yes, I wanted to deny. But unfortunately I nodded. And while we spoke of the people of the States, the chick has referred to the Vatican City, with its 921 inhabitants does not reach even half of the students on our campus. Just imagine the applications born from these data such as "Where is Vatican City? Have you been there? There's the pope? . "But the question most absolutely absurd that I have done in those days was" But you have the High Schools in Italy ?. "The next one will be " But you use the bathroom or in the woods ? ".
Physics be getting worse. So, now I understand more or less and the other day I solved 35 problems out of 40. But we have begun to carriers. And do you have to have studied the carrier sine, cosine and those things ugly. What I have not studied. And the prof. said that if carriers do not know you can also " drop the class." So, either drop the class or put myself under and I study by myself things that I never studied, and here take for granted. What bliss.
Inglese is ok. Even Kitchen . Today we cooked for the first time. Guess what? Yes, cake. Imagine a bit '. The recipe was totally different from mine, and when the teacher came to ask if he had passed the test, I lied. However it was not too bad. Next week we have a race of biscuits. Yes
Journalism a brothel. I found out two days ago that I was "Supposed To Be " in that class because there are new guys have done a test in April to be admitted, and I suddenly realized that there are at least another 10 boys in class who do nothing (of which two are cheerleaders). That's when I realized that I should drop the class seriously . So I got brave and went to speak with Mr. P., who kindly explained to me how things are and then he confessed, and told me that he very much wants me to remain in the class would do well not only because to me but to other guys. So he managed to convince the vice-principal, explaining that in April, however, had no idea of \u200b\u200bthe school that I attended and the classes I wanted to follow, and most are a Senior, and I am Italian, and I'm so cool (no, this I added the point). Journalism is thus confirmed. M
This morning there was the first Rally, which is a kind of House of the Institute, but fantastically better organized and much more fun. First of all: National Anthem , ergo Francesca is crying. Then the performance of cheerleaders (who are not as good as the Cheerios Sue ), and the various "rallies" are a sort of tricks to entertain the crowd, look like a Gummy Bear on a plate of whipped cream or pop balloons colliding with other people's bellies. In conclusion, one thing a lot of fun.
I decided that in every post I will write three reasons why I'm so happy to be here. So here are 3: 1
. American flags outside their homes than anyone.
2. Hear them say "Macaroni" totally convinced that it is an Italian word and intimately about the fact that they can never say "Macaroni".
3. The tail lights of cars on the Freeway that is so long and seemingly far away to seem a single band of light.
And this was my week. More or less. Let's say my school week, because there was not that much time for anything else really. Apart from looking Glee . That creates a spatial dependence. We are now addicted to Glee . And that is what we are looking at as I write.
Do not Stop Believin '!
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