Hello readers overseas or not (and even you two Russian readers. Yes, I sgam. Yes, folks, I have two Russian readers). quasi-Good-day to you and almost-good-night me. Should I tell you about my week (because I found that updating my blog weekly, and it's working), then I will. This time, no Spirit Week and Homecoming Dances. A simple week full of homework and lots to do. Yes, I pretend to be a woman of the world of those seriously committed. They are not.
Monday ... There. I do not remember that I made during the week.
I got A + PreCalc in if you are interested. But this has happened Friday, so my plan upsets time and space. But no matter. However, we are delighted that Frank has got A + in PreCalc. Especially Francesca herself.
37 I took the test on 40 Government. And this was Friday (and then a train of thought I'm finding more or less). Let's say I know most of the U.S. government now than they have ever heard of the Italian. And I can only rejoice at this.
I dropped Physics. I do not know if I ever wrote in some post. So I rewrite it. are no longer a Sheldon nearly two weeks. And I feel really better. Now I'm in Chorus (oh yeah!), Which is pretty cool and it's too beastly Glee (especially when discussing the last episode of Glee ). The only thing missing is Will Schuster . And Sue Sylvester . But to fix it. I am the Chinese that the last episode SINGS even although he had not even thought a voice. I think it's called Mike Chang. And maybe it's Japanese. Yes, at school are all Asian, but I still have to learn to distinguish the various nationalities. I'm working on.

I dropped Physics. I do not know if I ever wrote in some post. So I rewrite it. are no longer a Sheldon nearly two weeks. And I feel really better. Now I'm in Chorus (oh yeah!), Which is pretty cool and it's too beastly Glee (especially when discussing the last episode of Glee ). The only thing missing is Will Schuster . And Sue Sylvester . But to fix it. I am the Chinese that the last episode SINGS even although he had not even thought a voice. I think it's called Mike Chang. And maybe it's Japanese. Yes, at school are all Asian, but I still have to learn to distinguish the various nationalities. I'm working on.
Good. I do not know if there are other important news. Yesterday I started theater. We worked on our " crews" and I'm in that of the make-up and hair . So we're Figuring out (I can not translate, sorry) make-up and hair for the characters. Tomorrow my scene is blocked for the first time. Ergo, Rehearsals do series. That is evidence. Ok, I'm complicated explanation of the phrase in the sentence. Sorry.
Tonight we went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant, PF Chang's, a restaurant review that I write for the cooking class. American Chinese restaurants are completely different from Italian ones. And here are the take-out boxes pussies, like those of film. So it was particularly exciting.
are upset. I just realized that I can sum up my week in less than 400 words. E 'depressing. Especially if I think to write 400 words in English it takes me an entire week. We say that a week was a bit 'dull. Or rather, normal.
Oh, I forgot. Yesterday, Melissa, Lunette and I went to see "The Social Network ," the film about Facebook. Ok, it was nice. Although in mid film was going to sleep because he spoke too fast and I realized tizietto occasional words here and there like "Facebook", "money", "billions" and "Harvard." Luckily Justin has kept me awake during the other half of the film.
And of course I could not comment on this event on Facebook. And I realized how much technology has changed the lives there. And because this topic has nothing to do with the story of my week. And as my argument Quest could be this instead of an improper comment on what the media affect our vision of foreign countries. Although I will probably also get tired of a topic on Facebook.
OK, enough. I've gone crazy enough.

OK, enough. I've gone crazy enough.
Good week to you. I swear that this time I take notes. And I write at least 600 words in the next post. I swear.
10. The girls all struts and perfect that after a slurp Jamba Juice explode in a belch from a truck driver. And not ashamed. This is America.
11. The donuts in the morning. Especially in the form of a pumpkin for Halloween.
12. The people that say "I want to get married so our children would your accent" without thinking that it is not genetic. I admire you, too.
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