As always turns away from the common
of meetings, meetings on the sidelines while everyone else
are busy
to show off, to communicate
the rest know that this is my role
my sentence when the rest by only
but I can not undress the clothes I wear, I would feel naked to the bone
I take this little opportunity to be free
or to find my soul
resigned more than a lifer
no key that I can leave in
sandpaper my mind the world moves slowly
scratch the surface of the people in the depths of the words I find light
but I am not yet clear where this leads
but I try to clarify
still in the atom of the universe that crosses my
and as a child or as curious people
I always wonder why things
have the gift of non-skilled
me out very often and I suspect a mistake, but trade
is the tragedy of any special
mind have a soul of gold and do not appreciate it
Far by Luigi Fiore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License .
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