article Luigina Fist
Psychotherapist and bloggers
tend to prefer avoiding adolescents as it is too complex establish a good therapeutic relationship, and because it is easier to be called into question the asymmetry of the typical doctor-patient relationship. It can also be complex triangulation economic doctor - patient - parents.
From reading this book you realize that a therapist who uses the asymmetry as a therapeutic imperative, will meet a lot of difficulties in therapy with adolescents.
hardly go to teenagers therapy. When you want to make a therapeutic intervention with adolescents must therefore go where they are. They must be achieved in the classroom, in the venues, and more and more frequently on the Internet .
Almost all young people use the Internet as a place of exchange of ideas, and resources to maintain and make new friends. Reading this book was a discovery, I did not believe that there were already a lot of research on e-therapy. I could almost say that I did not know that this type of therapy was already used. A psychologist who wanted to concentrate on e-therapy should not only have a good theoretical basis but also relational skills that make it able to interact with teenagers and it should have good attitude to the use of these new technological tools.
I was reassured to read that in this type of psychological support there is a preliminary session in which you clarify the specific of this operation, and data are required that can be used to overcome the physical distance , in case you need direct intervention as in the case of a suspected act anticonservativo.
becomes clear that those who wish to implement a therapeutic intervention, and must receive specific training. Training in the use of social network youth slang and the . Not everyone can improvise and therapists. The teenager does not want to be problematized, but he needs to feel on par with those who are at the other end of the chat, because this will protect from feelings of shame. Internet sites that offer help and then not have to perceive the intervention as medicalized. The Italian market has instead look clinical, professional and very interactive. Why not attract the teenagers.
seems to me that the Italian Internet sites devoted to e-therapy have this because in Italy the psychology is still committed to be taken seriously. Very interesting is the chapter on the prospects for intervention, where there are practical suggestions for those who want to jump into the psychological support via web. A psychotherapist like me, who has areas of action different from the virtual or the issues brought by the e-book for example, feels a strong need to glossary that explains what Web 3.0 means for micropuncture or when you are not talking about cosmetic surgery.
To return to the theme of youth, I conclude by quoting the author's words: "As the land-treatment and youth has yet to be explored and tested, they seem to be terms key for setting up and development of new services that can live and operate on-line contacts but desirable in the urban reality, the schools organize events related to the formation of groups in the network. Integrating online and offline life, through a virtual therapeutic tool has probably bring the teenager to a size unit, integrated social capable of managing the Internet as a means of communication preferential and not as an exclusive place of refuge , split by the existence in the flesh.
Let me be clear: it's all under construction, we are now in a period of epochal transition. And if it is true that a synoptic view of recent studies on counseling through pc clearly shows positive results and high levels of therapeutic alliance , skepticism regarding the specific instrument is still high and not only by the therapists. "
From reading this book you realize that a therapist who uses the asymmetry as a therapeutic imperative, will meet a lot of difficulties in therapy with adolescents.
hardly go to teenagers therapy. When you want to make a therapeutic intervention with adolescents must therefore go where they are. They must be achieved in the classroom, in the venues, and more and more frequently on the Internet .
Almost all young people use the Internet as a place of exchange of ideas, and resources to maintain and make new friends. Reading this book was a discovery, I did not believe that there were already a lot of research on e-therapy. I could almost say that I did not know that this type of therapy was already used. A psychologist who wanted to concentrate on e-therapy should not only have a good theoretical basis but also relational skills that make it able to interact with teenagers and it should have good attitude to the use of these new technological tools.
I was reassured to read that in this type of psychological support there is a preliminary session in which you clarify the specific of this operation, and data are required that can be used to overcome the physical distance , in case you need direct intervention as in the case of a suspected act anticonservativo.
becomes clear that those who wish to implement a therapeutic intervention, and must receive specific training. Training in the use of social network youth slang and the . Not everyone can improvise and therapists. The teenager does not want to be problematized, but he needs to feel on par with those who are at the other end of the chat, because this will protect from feelings of shame. Internet sites that offer help and then not have to perceive the intervention as medicalized. The Italian market has instead look clinical, professional and very interactive. Why not attract the teenagers.
seems to me that the Italian Internet sites devoted to e-therapy have this because in Italy the psychology is still committed to be taken seriously. Very interesting is the chapter on the prospects for intervention, where there are practical suggestions for those who want to jump into the psychological support via web. A psychotherapist like me, who has areas of action different from the virtual or the issues brought by the e-book for example, feels a strong need to glossary that explains what Web 3.0 means for micropuncture or when you are not talking about cosmetic surgery.
To return to the theme of youth, I conclude by quoting the author's words: "As the land-treatment and youth has yet to be explored and tested, they seem to be terms key for setting up and development of new services that can live and operate on-line contacts but desirable in the urban reality, the schools organize events related to the formation of groups in the network. Integrating online and offline life, through a virtual therapeutic tool has probably bring the teenager to a size unit, integrated social capable of managing the Internet as a means of communication preferential and not as an exclusive place of refuge , split by the existence in the flesh.
Let me be clear: it's all under construction, we are now in a period of epochal transition. And if it is true that a synoptic view of recent studies on counseling through pc clearly shows positive results and high levels of therapeutic alliance , skepticism regarding the specific instrument is still high and not only by the therapists. "
Help Online - Intervention psychological through the internet with teenagers
The first Italian-led Aid psychological adolescents via the Internet.
ISBN :978-88-87795-52-3
Price: € 12.00
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