The QUEST continues normally. These days, I went to my consultant from Oakland, a reporter for "The Oakland Tr Ibun", which obviously wants to move to Italy when he becomes old and speaks Italian. Imagine if American journalist I found her half-Italian. Apart from that, it's cool. He took me to the office (which is "The Office" full-scale), complete with views of the city traffic and fellow lunatics who collect plastic ducks.
Then I oss ervata wriggle among the most useless words in the history of the world's car sind aco Oakland was taken (or at least I think it translates as "Booted") because he had not paid fines. Now, for those who want to write 10 inches interests of this fact? No one, but she had, and imagine that today also received calls from readers who wanted more details on the story. Shocking, eh?
In addition she introduced me to his colleague too cool (whose name I think it was Scott, or Chris , your choice) who is a foreign reporter for twenty years and, surprise surprise ' , lived five months in Bari for a change. However, this guy was too nice and we started intense philosophical discussion on the significance of the media in our modern culture and why study greek is much better than studying statistics.

But now we come to what you all expect me to write. Yes, my first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated every last Thursday of November in the United States and is a tradition that dates back to and the Pilgrim Fathers who left the I nghilterra to go in the New World as persecuted for their religious ideas. 102 Pilgrims, who arrived on board de lla Mayflower, which exterminated the Native Americans for a place in the new land and then celebrate with a lot of ta cchino and pumpkin pie. Now that's an anniversary! It is the beginning of capitalism, no? (PS: all various historical information contained in this post, and any derived from the force of Vo far from the Santa Prof. Ria Brown, who has been constantly revived interest in me in the past of the peoples and modified, of course, according to the strorpiate my beliefs. Thanks Ria). Anyway, today, Thanksgiving Day is a bit 'as we Immaculate. No N religiously, but as a way to start the holiday season and shoppers (for details see Black Friday).
The day begins with a traditional Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the parade set up by the famous American chain of stores in New York. So that was a beautiful and good excuse to enjoy a bit 'in my heart of the city and its 34th road (sorry, Cali, I'm cheating on you). As a wise young man Said once "Los Angeles is my wife, But New York is my mistress." - Al and I, not being already been to LA, I just agree with the part of New York. With a good cinnamon roll in hand, we can enjoy the huge inflatable balloon in the shape of Spongebob sfo ndo show on the Empire State Building, with a lot of Elmo and Dora the Explorer in tow.
Then began preparations for the big dinner: mashed potatoes, s you ffing, pumpking pies, bread rolls, cranberry jelly (the most disgusting thing on earth, after the coconut), and of course Tom the Turkey!, of which, poor, only the bones remained.
Pe nsandoci, I think the turkey should have their day Thanksgiving and carve a human being to each family of turkeys.
Just to see if we the people are very much grateful for the turkey. Now, Thanksgiving dinner is a pretty big thing here and is considered one of the few times during the year in which you strafoca like pigs until the next day.
Mom, Dad, we did not eat even half of what you cook on Christmas Day. Just to say that we Italians are pigs every day, we do not need the "day-kill-turkeys" with and apologize.
After a couple of jokes about poor Mr. Darcy sad (for which it seems that Ryan has a little crush), we ended up on the couch watching "Galaxy Quest", because, apparently, was the only person on the planet Earth (or not) not to have seen . And it was quite funny, after all. Then the "men" wanted to watch "Robin Hood" while the eyelids of us young maidens fell to the rhythm of the turkey rotting in our stomachs. Yes, it was a day long pussy. My first Thanksgiving. And, hopefully, not the last one.
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